Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to identify if style of WSDL is document wrapped?

1. Part element is referring a element not type.
2. There in only one part in message.
3. Element referred by part should have same name as operation
4. Element's complex type has no attribute.

First two point holds good for WS-I compliant document style WSDL.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Can I have refer type inside part element in message for document style WSDL?

Well you can. WSDL will not be invalid. But if you are concerned about WS-I conformance then basic profile restricts you doing so. It only allows element not type to be referred in document style wsdl part element.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What is Difference between truststore and keystore?

Trust store is a key store and is created for separating private keys from CA certificates and trusted certificates. Storing our private keys in one store and CA and trusted certificates in another keystore facilitate us cleaner separation of private keys with certificates.Separation allows user to provide additional security for keystore.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What is open/closed principle for design patterns?

It say's classes should be open for extension but closed for modification. And the benefits would be when we extend some existing module rather than modifying it we don't need to retest your well tested existing code.

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Why i can't write List<Object> li = new ArrayList<String>(); ?

I have written a blog some time back to explain this.

What you think.

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